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Services offered by Sunshine

Sunshine Designs Group can transform the existing footprint of your current beds or create a completely new landscape for your yard.  From soil & mulch to flowering plants & shrubs our design team offers many solutions to make the concept of your personal paradise become a reality!


A variety of beds with appropriate annuals and perennials - we will determine the perfect plants for every area of your yard.  


Enhance your new landscaping with the addition of subtle and effective lighting solutions and your home will stand out - day or night!

Fountains & Water Features

Give your beds a boost with fun and functional water features to perpetuate the serene and peaceful nature of your personal retreat from the world.

Vegetable Gardens

Sustainable sources of delicious, fresh fruits & vegetables in your own back yard - these gardens cultivate a fun family hobby as much as they yield useable produce!


Tie in additional stations, repair & refresh your current system or install a new watering solution - we have simple & effective options to maintain your new beds.

Décor, Planters & Sculptures​

Add some flair to your yard with flagstones, colorful pottery, sun-catchers, spinners and more - your unique style will be on display through subtle accents to your landscaping.

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Preferred Partner of Sunshine Designs
Irrigation Solutions and Pressure Washing for Commercial & Residential Properties
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